Typical Application for MIC2843A: High Efficiency 6 Channel Linear WLED Driver with DAM and Ultra Fast PWM Control

Reference Design using part MIC2843A by Microchip Technology


Microchip Technology
  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    White LED Driver

For End Products

  • Lighting


  • Typical Application for MIC2843A: High Efficiency 6 Channel Linear WLED Driver with DAM and Ultra Fast PWM Control. The MIC2843A is a high efficiency linear White LED (WLED) driver designed to drive up to six WLEDs, greatly extending battery life for portable display backlighting keypad backlighting, and camera flash in mobile devices. The MIC2843A provides the highest possible efficiency as this architecture has no switching losses present in traditional charge pumps or inductive boost circuits. The MIC2843A provides six linear drivers which maintain constant current for up to six WLEDs. It features a typical dropout of 40mV at 20mA. This allows the WLEDs to be driven directly from the battery eliminating switching noise/losses present with the use of boost circuitry

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