WRL-15031, SparkFun WiFi IR Blaster based on ESP8266

Reference Design using part ESP8266 by SparkFun Electronics


SparkFun Electronics
  • Application Category
    Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Product Type
    Wireless Connectivity

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For End Products

  • IoT Applications


  • WRL-15031, WiFi IR Blaster combines an ESP8266 - a powerful WiFi/microcontroller SoC - with IR emitters and receivers. With built-in WiFi support, the ESP8266 can be programmed to provide an interface between HTTP, MQTT, TCP, and infrared-controlled devices. This module equips the ESP8266 with a crystal, 4MB flash, and a PCB antenna - just about everything it needs to get going. Please be aware that the antenna sits under the SparkFun logo on the board, so try not to place anything that may interfere with WiFi signals near that area. The IR emitter and detector components are packaged with the board, but not soldered in place. This allows you to solder both components at any angle your project requires. It also leaves the option to customize the board and spec out your own emitter and/or receiver. So some soldering will be required to get the WiFi IR Blaster operational

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