WRL-15435, SparkFun Thing Plus - XBee3 Micro (U.FL)

Reference Design using part EFR32MG by SparkFun Electronics


SparkFun Electronics
  • Application Category
    Wireless Communication
  • Product Type
    Wireless Systems

Associated Documents

For End Products

  • Remote Sensing


  • WRL-15435, XBee3 Thing Plus is an ultra capable and easy way for getting into wireless device development. The combination of XBee and Qwiic in a space conscious design represents a much needed update to our XBee offering. With 20 I/O pins and Lithium Polymer Ion battery management, the XBee3 Thing Plus has all the basics for quickly prototyping or developing a connected device such as a remote sensor. The Qwiic connector and JST connector for the battery make for a solder-less option when working with the board which shortens setup time. The new XBee3 Micro Module provides the classic all-but plug and play 802.15.4 2.4GHz wireless connection (Zigbee 3.0 Protocol) that makes it so desirable, but with a new addition of being programmable with MicroPython (32KB of memory available for it)

Key Features

  • Operating Frequency
    2400 MHz

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