A Turnkey Solution for the Smart Grid

Using Smart Grid technology, the energy industry has an incredible opportunity – reach levels of reliability, efficiency, and security in serving its customers like never before. The Smart Grid consists of a large number of parts that work together including power lines, computers, a variety of technologies and more.Tantalus Systems, a Smart Grid tech company headquartered in North Carolina, achieves major efficiency and reliability with the backing of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Arrow Intelligent Systems.

Tantalus, backed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Arrow Intelligent Systems, is a Smart Grid company that provides the energy industry with more reliability, efficiency, and security when serving its customers. The Tantalus Utility Network (TUNet) is a network that enables the industry with the ability to monitor, control, and respond to utility events at any time regardless of their location. To learn more about Tantalus and TUNet, read this article.

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