About Endicott Research Group Products

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Endicott Research Group is a forerunner in power conversion of every variety.

CCFL  Inverters:

The most extensive range of CCFL inverters in the industry supporting all major LCD manufacturers' designs including a wide range of open-frame inverters for powering one lamp, 7 unique vacuum-encapsulated inverters for maximum reliability, and custom inverter solutions.

DC Converters:

ERG stocks DC-DC converters in a range of output power levels from 0.25 W to 25 W for performing simple voltage conversions at low power. They provide simple and inexpensive solutions if you need a certain output voltage that is not already in your system and need to convert one voltage to another.

Smart Force LED Drivers:

Smart Force™ LED Drivers provide full-function power supplies for LED-backlit LCDs and can be used with ERG’s LED rails with proprietary thermal management design.

Smart Bridge Drivers:

This new ERG product is an easy and cost-effective way to provide interconnectivity from your controller or power supply to the LCD backlight driver. Offers Plug and Play Operation, DC/DC Conversion, and PWM Generation.

Smart Force EL:

Offers a wide range of solutions for electroluminescent (EL) backlit displays. Vacuum encapsulated for maximum reliability, Smart Force™ inverters actually prolong the useful life of EL lamps by automatically adjusting operating voltage and frequency as the lamp ages and changes.

Smart Kits:

New ERG Smart Kits™ give you everything you need to get your LED-backlit OEM panel up and running. Includes ERG Smart Force™ LED Driver board, an Input Wiring Harness or Digital View® Input Harness, and an Interconnect Wiring Harness.

Large Display Solutions:

A new line of LED drivers, rails, arrays, and harnesses designed specifically for LCDs in the 19"-27" diagonal range.  As with all ERG products, the Large Display Solution products are made in the USA and come with lifetime engineering support.

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