About Fox Electronics and Product Highlights

Founded in 1979, Fox is a global leader in producing innovative frequency control technology, creating hundreds of cutting-edge products that improve quartz crystal and clock oscillator performance, precision, reliability, and stability. The Fox team takes pride in meeting shorter lead times while maintaining critical design and product needs.

For example, Fox introduced the FC3VR Leo crystal series to improve system performance in applications exposed to modern world environmental conditions. The state-of-the-art resonator incorporates patented technology that allows the vibration resistant FC3VR to hold superior frequency stability when compared to conventional crystals. Standard and automotive grade solutions are available.

Fox, an Abracon-powered brand, proudly fulfills technological demands for multiple industries, including automotive, IoT, communications, networking, medical, and military, offering everything from standard off-the-shelf to custom-manufactured products and everything in between.
Fox does not just excel in product innovation. The team also delivers personal, knowledgeable customer service that answers complex technical questions and provides efficient and customized solutions to all design needs. The Fox team is primed to find the right cost-effective product or sample without sacrificing product or design quality. 


Product Highlights

  • •  Crystals
  • •  Oscillators
  • •  TCXO’s
  • •  VC-TCXO’s



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