Abracon’s frequency control and timing solutions

Abracon is an industry leader in frequency control and timing devices, with service, quality, and technical expertise to enable a wide variety of innovative, connected IoT solutions.

Included in Abracon’s frequency control and timing product offerings are the Ecliptek, Fox, ILSI, MMD and Oscilent brands, which provide the latest technical design support and global supply chain flexibility to solve customers’ unique challenges of today.

Abracon’s frequency control and timing devices include quartz crystal and oscillators designed to meet automotive, IoT and precision timing design requirements. Power-optimized and programmable MEMS oscillator options are also available.

This collection includes compact size, low phase noise, and wide operating temperature range solutions.

For further detail about Abracon’s frequency control and timing solutions, along with in-depth information on each product series, click through to the available catalog.


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