Abracon’s Optimized Antenna Solutions

The right antenna makes all the difference.

Abracon’s wide spectrum of antenna solutions addresses connectivity needs in the IoT, supporting protocols such as cellular 4G/LTE/3G/2G/GSM, WiFi/Bluetooth/BLE/ZigBee/ISM, LPWA/LoRa/SigFox/NB-IoT, GNSS/GPS/GLONASS/BeiDou, RFID and satellite communications.

The collection includes compact chip, high-gain patch, low-profile flexible PCB, and various external antenna types with different form factors and mounts for easy installation in a broad range of wireless data and industrial applications.

The selection features antennas with multi-band capability and IP67-rated weather resistance. High-performing MIMO antennas with different mounting options are available for enhanced data rate and Quality of Service (QoS).

Antenna optimization is essential in all RF designs. With proper matching, antennas can perform at their full capacity for range, power consumption and transmission quality. Abracon offers antenna optimization services to maximize chip and patch antenna performances for automotive, test and measurement, communications, wearables, industrial, data center and medical applications.


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