An Ecosystem of Solutions for Snapdragon 410E

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In September 2016 the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 410E 1.2GHZ quad-core ARM® Cortex®-A53 processor was introduced and made available to customers through Arrow Electronics, marking the first time a stand-alone Snapdragon processor has been sold through a distributor.

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. also announced that the Snapdragon 600E, featuring a 1.5GHz quad-core custom Qualcomm Krait™ 300 CPU, will also soon be available through Arrow. Never before have customers had this much flexibility to design and build with Snapdragon processors – from the stand-alone processor for chip-on-board designs to commercial off-the-shelf modules and SBCs to speed commercialization.

If you’re interested in Snapdragon 410E, start your evaluation and development with the highly accessible DragonBoard™ 410c community development board manufactured by Arrow Electronics, which is compliant with the 96Boards consumer edition open hardware specification. Then consider one of the following off-the-shelf modules, or use the Snapdragon 410E with a minimum of 10 years extended life support and availability through 2025, in an optimized chip on board design.

eInfochips Eragon 410 SOM – With an ultra-small form factor (35mm x 26mm), this module supports low power consumption, connectivity, multimedia functionality, along with solid processing power. The SoM offers on-chip eMCP memory (1GB LPDDR3 + 8GB eMMC)

See related product

EIC-Q410-200 | SOM Development Kit

eInfochips System on Modules - SOM View

Inforce 6309 Micro SBC – This product meets various industrial design requirements, such as extended operating temperature range and EMI shields for RF noise sensitive designs. It has the same footprint as that of the 96Boards Consumer Edition open hardware specification managed by Linaro.

Intrinsyc Open-Q 410 SOM - This ultra-small (26.5mm x 44mm), production-ready module has an extensive  range  of  supported  peripherals, and provides the perfect  platform  for  creating  low  cost,  high  performance  embedded and mobile devices.

Variscite DART-SD410 SOM – A perfect combination of high performance and low power consumption, packed in a tiny 25x 43 mm package. This SoM is an ideal solution for portable, battery operated devices as well as multimedia intensive applications.

Qualcomm, Snapdragon, Adreno, Hexagon and DragonBoard are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries. Krait is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated.

Qualcomm Snapdragon, Qualcomm Krait, Qualcomm Adreno, and Qualcomm Hexagon are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

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