An Overview of the Bourns® Power Resistor Product Lineup

Learn more about the product lineup of power and current sense resistors from Bourns.

Bourns is a leading supplier of resistive products with a wide range of resistive components that meet the needs of a variety of applications. The Bourns resistor product lineup includes, but is not limited to: high-power resistors, wirewound resistors and current sense resistors. Typical applications for these resistors include snubbers and current sensing in power supply and electric motor control.

Power and High-Power Resistors

Bourns offers a large selection of PWR series, high-power thick film resistors with the following standard packages: surface-mount TO-163 and TO-263 (DPAK and D2PAK) and radial-leaded through-hole TO-220 and TO-247. These compact packages offer space savings to designers as well as additional standardized off-the-shelf accessories such as thermal and mounting devices.

Wirewound Resistors

Bourns’ broad range of wirewound resistors feature axial-leaded through-hole and surface-mount packages. Constructed by wrapping high-performance resistive alloy wire around a low thermal resistance ceramic core, Bourns wirewound resistors offer superior pulse capability and are also available in non-inductive styles. The W, WS and FW series axial-leaded through-hole wirewound resistors are coated by UL 94V-0 compliant material. The FW series axial fusible resistor is UL1412 recognized and offers an integrated solution as it provides both inrush current protection and fusible overcurrent protection.

Current Sense Resistors

Bourns current sense chip resistors feature thick film, metal foil, metal strip resistive elements, and electro-beam welded metal strip shunts. With high measurement accuracy, Bourns current sense resistors provide a cost-effective way to improve system efficiency and reduce losses. Ideal for applications in virtually all market segments, current sense resistors are optimally used when helping developers precisely measure currents in consumer and industrial designs.

Get the details for the full power resistor and current sense resistor product lineup in this information sheet from Bourns. 



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