Analog Devices Arduino Shields

Analog Devices has an extensive portfolio of Arduino Shields that form the basis of prototyping systems. They enable quick evaluation and testing of sub-systems, data converters, sensors and interface technologies.

Featured List of “Circuits from the Lab” Arduino Shields

Board Name Description
EVAL-CN0357-ARDZ Electrochemical gas detection circuit (CN0357)
EVAL-CN0216-ARDZ High gain weigh scale design (CN0216)
EVAL-CN0391-ARDZ Single supply, multi-channel thermocouple temperature meter with an 8-channel, low noise, low power, 24-bit, Sigma-Delta ADC
EVAL-CN0394-ARDZ Single supply, multi channel thermocouple temperature meter with a low-power precision analog microcontroller, Arm Cortex M3 with dual Sigma-Delta ADCs
EVAL-CN0338-ARDZ (Coming soon!) NDIR thermopile-based gas sensing circuit
EVAL-CN0397-ARDZ Ultralow power light recognition system for smart agriculture
EVAL-CN0398-ARDZ Soil moisture and pH measurement system with temperature compensation
EVAL-CN0396-ARDZ Dual electrochemical gas sensor with temperature compensation
EVAL-CN0395-ARDZ Volatile organic compound detector for indoor air quality measurement
EVAL-CN0409-ARDZ Water turbidity measurement
EVAL-CN0410-ARDZ 3-channel programmable LED driver board

Featured List of Sensor Arduino Shields

Board Name Description
EVAL-ADXL362-ARDZ Ultra-low power accelerometer with display Arduino Shield
EVAL-ADXL372-ARDZ Micropower, 3-Axis +/-200g digital output MEMS Arduino Shield

Featured List of Data Converter Arduino Shields

Board Name Description
DC2026C-KIT 16-bit dual rail-to-rail DACs with I2C interface and 1-/2-channel 20-bit μPower no-latency Delta Sigma ADC
DC2026C Linduino One isolated USB demo board, Arduino and QuikEval-compatible code development platform
DC2459A-A Demo kit for 16-bit, 50 MSPS current output DAC

Featured List of Interface Arduino Shields

Board Part # Description
DC2617A isoSPI and isolated CAN interface implementation on a single Arduino shield
DC2364A Single bus RS232/RS485 multiprotocol transceiver with integrated termination

List of Intel FPGA-based boards with the Arduino connector

Learn more about Analog Devices Solutions for FPGA-Based Designs.


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