Arrow Supply Assurance (ASA) Program

We can determine a product's lifespan―the duration that it is active on the market―using a variety of factors such as market demand and the competitive landscape.

When designs rely on custom subsystems, discontinuing a critical component can have detrimental effects on the production of the entire design. In industries where design cycles can be anywhere from two to ten years, a product going EOL (end-of-life) can cause extreme delays to production and have significant cost and safety implications.

Introducing the Arrow Supply Assurance Program

To combat this challenge and help our customers secure the longevity of their design, Arrow has created the Arrow Supply Assurance (ASA) program.  We will work directly with manufacturers, their design teams, and OEMs to guarantee sustainable, legitimate procurement of critical components even beyond the end of the component's life.

When manufacturers discontinue regular production of a critical component in your design, we will work with them exclusively to extend the factory-direct procurement of the components you need.

Our ASA program allows customers to:

- Extend the life of critical active products

- Eliminate redesign or extend the redesign window

- Reduce inventory risk beyond discontinuation

- Eliminate the cost of re-qualification

- Obtain an ongoing supply without incurring price increases or large order minimums

The Importance of Legitimacy

Our ASA program protects customers from counterfeit products and materials by working directly with the original manufacturer to guarantee legitimacy. When a product reaches its EOL, but the market identifies a continued need for the product, counterfeit products will surface. And when a component plays a critical role in your design, knowing you have access to reliable products is crucial to maintaining high standards.

For example, if an airplane's navigational system relies on a mission-critical microcontroller, subbing in a counterfeit product could immediately impact human lives. Arrow helps manufacturers avoid these dangers by:

- Offering a factory-direct guarantee on all components

- Maintaining franchise agreements with nearly all manufacturers

- Providing a Certificate of Compliance to protect your end product from counterfeit products.

Arrow works with top manufacturers, including Analog Devices, AMD, Cypress Semiconductor, Intel, Lattice Semiconductor, Micron, Microsemi, NXP Semiconductors, ON Semiconductor, TE Connectivity, Texas Instruments.

For questions regarding the Arrow Supply Assurance program, contact us by email or phone at:


Call: 1-800-833-3557 (customers new to Arrow)

1-800-777-2776 (existing customers)

Want to learn more about ASA? 

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