Arrow’s Purpose: Far More Than the Sum of Its Parts

Our true strategic direction is forward, always guiding innovation forward.

We are the shortest distance between what’s practical and what’s possible.From sensor to sunset we play an integral role in the technological progression that makes the world a better place. We are working on future products and solutions that are smarter, easier, more sustainable. We are working on the forefront of technology to progress and move forward. Always Forward.

It was from within—through Arrow people—that our true strategic direction was forged: Guiding innovation forward.

As our purpose, it provides a guide for the way we look, behave, speak and innovate across everything we do. It acts as an internal GPS to help us navigate the future. It helps us understand as employees why we are here.

At Arrow, we are the Sherpas of the electronics industry, a collaborative partner, guiding and supporting our customers and suppliers — helping them to achieve their goals. We consider their success, ours. We stand behind the hero, anticipating the next step of the journey.

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