New from Artesyn: CSU800AP 800 W Distributed Power Supply

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Artesyn Embedded Technologies is globally renowned for their AC to DC switching power supplies. They have added to their expansive repertoire with the new 800 W CSU800AP-3. The highly compact (2.98” x 7.28”) power supply is created for network and server infrastructures.


The CSU800AP-3 touts a broad 90 to 264 VAC input range with active PFC (power factor correction) and a main output of 12 VDC at 3 A with up to 94% efficiency. Sporting improved current harmonics at light loads and active current sharing at high loads, the CSP800AP-3 is designed to reduce overall system costs. Artesyn has also released the CSU800AP-3001, which has the same specifications for systems that require reverse fan airflow.

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