Key circuits for electric vehicle charging systems

Electric vehicles (EVs) are set to revolutionize modern mobility. Their adoption is gaining momentum globally and this is becoming evident through public infrastructure – with charging stations appearing across cities and highway routes more frequently.

The growth forecasts for the EV charger market are in the 18 percent CAGR range for the next five years. Arrow is set to play a key role in the EV revolution, supporting industry growth through its spectrum of power, control, sensing and communication technologies for EVs and DC fast charging stations.

Arrow has the know-how, technical expertise and technology to drive all levels of EV and EV charging design. Our advanced portfolio of technologies is backed by our trusted technology partner network. Our dedicated automotive team has deep knowledge of the industry and speaks the automotive language. We can help you evaluate new technologies and provide AECQ products and platform support, as well as services to guide your vision.


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