AVX Product Highlights

Arrow´s offering of AVX capacitors includes their line–up of ceramic, tantalum, plastic film, networks ⁄ arrays, resistor ⁄ capacitor networks, niobium, trimmers, and electric double layer products.

AVX Product Highlights

Arrow is proud to offer the following AVX components.

AVX Capacitors

AVX capacitors set an industry standard, by providing improved capacitance values, higher voltages, and improved tolerances.

Ceramic AVX Capacitors 

Find trimmers, leaded, surface mount, high–voltage, low–inductance, switch mode power supply, and soft termination ceramic capacitors from AVX at Arrow.

Tantalum AVX Capacitors 

Arrow stocks a complete selection of tantalum capacitors from AVX. Browse our selection of leaded, surface–mount, and surface–mount polymer products.

Niobium AVX Capacitors 

Oxicap® niobium oxide solid electrolyte capacitors are a higher performance alternative to other aluminum and SMT capacitors

Film AVX Capacitors 

Well suited for applications requiring high stability, low–leakage current, high frequency and ⁄ or wide temperature ranges, Arrow carries both commercial and power grades of AVX film capacitors.

MIL–PRF–123 AVX Capacitors 

AVX is the first in the industry to expand its portfolio of thru–hole advanced capacitors with several hundred new offerings in its MIL–PRF-123 product series for defense and aerospace markets. View all Mil-Spec capacitor offerings from AVX.

AVX Capacitors for Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) 

These advanced ceramic capacitors from AVX are designed for high–current, high–power, and high–temperature requirements of SMPS applications.

HI Q RF AVX Capacitors 

Surface Mount capacitors with ultra–low ESR and dissipation factor at high frequencies. Designed to handle high–power and high–voltage in RF power amplifiers, inductive heating, high magnetic field environments, medical, and industrial electronics applications.

Other AVX Components

You will also find a complete selection of AVX resistors, EMI filters, varistors, thermistors, inductors, circuit protection, and other AVX components at Arrow along with their line of connectors manufactured by AVX Interconnect and Kyocera ⁄ Elco.

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