AVX’s New T4Z Non-Critical Medical Tantalum Capacitors

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AVX is a global expert in manufacturing quality passive componentry. The T4Z series of non-critical medical-grade tantalum capacitors have joined AVX’s passive product portfolio. Designed, manufactured and tested in their ISO 13485-certified plant in Biddeford, Maine, the AVX T4Z series touts remarkably lower DC leakage levels than its commercial counterparts. The compact capacitor line offers a variety of options to best suit your medical solution, such as implantable insulin pumps, patient diagnostic, and monitoring equipment.

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KYOCERA AVX Components Corporation Capacitor Tantalum Solid View

The ordering infographic above details the many facets of the T4Z series. The series has a wide range of capacitances, from 0.10 to 330 µF, with the choice of ±5%, ±10% or ±20% tolerance. AVX’s T4Z also offers the choice of solder plated, solder fused, gold plated or 100% tin termination finishes. With a series-wide -55 to 215 oC operating temperature range, the robustly designed T4Z series from AVX are sure to make a big impact on your non-critical medical product.


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