TCN: Ultra-Thin Tantalum Polymer Capacitors from AVX

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AVX is world renowned for high-performance passive componentry. Their newest capacitor line, the TCN series, features an industry first, the TCNO model, with an ultra-thin maximum height of only 0.6 mm. The tantalum polymer capacitor line touts the highest CV/cc with such a low profile of any capacitor on the market, and its undertab layout makes it incredibly efficient for PCB spacing and overall performance.

The TCN series offers a wide variety of options to best fit into your design, including eleven different case sizes, a 1 to 1500 µF capacitance range and six different DC voltage ratings. Every capacitor in the series has a ±20% tolerance and a wide (-55 to 105 oC) operating temperature range. Each part in the line also has an associated electrostatic resistance between 70 and 1500 mΩ for circuit safety. To determine the optimal TCN product for your system, check out the case dimension chart and ordering guide on the series datasheet here.

For high-performance and high CV/cc in the lowest profile on the market, check out AVX’s TCN series today.

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