Battery Powered Applications: Highest performance in motor control

Battery Powered Applications: Highest performance in motor control

Based on industry leading technology, highest quality and manufacturing expertise, Infineon provides a variety of innovative power semiconductors which enable designers to develop highly reliable and efficient solutions. Through our comprehensive portfolio we can address a broad range of battery powered motor control applications, such as power tools, forklifts, all kinds of light electric vehicles including e-skateboards, e-scooters, pedelecs, low speed cars and many others. Infineon offers an excellent selection of devices for power management and consumption, as well as voltage regulation – such as power MOSFETs (e.g. CoolMOS™ and OptiMOS™), XMC™ microcontrollers, EiceDRIVER™ gate drivers and more.

Key enabling products are:
-- Low voltage power MOSFETs – OptiMOS™ and StrongIRFET™
-- Small Signal products
-- High voltage power MOSFETs – CoolMOS™
-- EiceDRIVER™/Half-bridge and three-phase gate driver ICs
-- Magnetic sensors and voltage regulators
-- Microcontrollers – XMC™
-- Motion control ICs – iMOTION™ IRMCK099


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