Buying options for a Bill of Materials (BOM)

You need your supply chain to be as smooth-running and adaptable as possible to ensure an uninterrupted flow of components for your projects. With a wide range of packaging types and buying options for your list of parts or BOM, will help you achieve your supply objectives.

In the BOM tool, it’s easy to view all of the buying options for your project based on location and packaging type. Our updated buying options tool now includes a horizontal design (for less scrolling), tariff information, Arrow Reel availability, and improved filtering functionality so you don’t miss any buying options you might have accidentally filtered out.

How Do I Select the Right Buying Options?

  • 1.  Click BOMs at the top of the homepage.
  • 2.  Then select a BOM from previously uploaded BOMs or upload a new BOM to get started.
  • 3.  Find the part you would like to change the buying options for and click buying options.
  • 4.  Decide how you would like to allocate your desired purchase quantity.
  • 1.  Your desired quantity can be allocated across multiple buying options — you are not limited to just one.
  • 2.  Prices, pipelines, and lead time are specific to each option available.
  • 5.  Click save in the bottom right-hand corner of the menu. Your buying options will be locked in and you can then purchase those parts directly from the BOM tool.
  • 1.  Each part with buying options listed might have different buying options, so it’s smart to check all the parts in your BOM.

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Body Image 4-BOM-Buying-Options

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