BA6010 Bench Battery Analyzers from B&K Precision

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B&K Precision are renowned for their bench test and measurement supplies. Their new BA6010 series are battery analysis systems that provide measurements including capacitance, inductance, quality factor, impedance, etc. with high speed, resolution and accuracy.

The BA6010 features up to a 60 V measurement range, the BA6011 has up to a 300 V measurement range, and the TLBK1 are associated 4-lead Kelvin clips. 


The BA6010 series offers several features that make them best-in-class bench battery analyzers. Capable of reading a veritable laundry list of parameters, the analyzers have crystal-clear 4.3” color LCD displays and graphical on-screen tracing for easy-to-use interfacing. They also tout up to 50 measurements per second and multiple external and internal memory blocks for readout setup. The TLBK1 Kelvin test leads reduce test lead resistance, which in turn promotes accuracy. The BA6010 line are ideal for several battery types, from electric vehicles and alarm systems to consumer electronics.

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