Bourns Chip-LAN Transformer Solutions for Ethernet-Based IT

Ethernet IT offers increased bandwidth for future networking and real-time data sharing, but it’s not without its faults. The new Bourns Chip-LAN transformer was designed specifically to meet the demands of Ethernet with a smaller form factor and high-quality signal conditioning performance for fully-automated production.

Ethernet-based transformers have increased in connected communication applications for isolation and signal conditioning. This has also increased the demand for reliable performance, miniaturization, higher manufacturing yield rates, and strict product quality metrics.

The Bourns Chip-LAN transformer offers a reliable and high-performing solution for Ethernet IT with a discrete, center-tapped construction, drum core winding, and ferrite plate cap - along with a toroid core magnetic path design. In this white paper from Bourns, you can learn more about the details of this innovative solution. Explore the Chip-LAN transformer’s technology advancements that create smaller form factor solutions and dig into the details on what makes these consistent feature sets possible while also delivering high-quality signal conditioning performance in a device designed for fully-automated production.


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