Bringing AI at the Edge to IoT Smart Cameras

In this article from Qualcomm, you can learn about how the Qualcomm Vision Intelligence Platform meets future IoT market requirements with a full range of System-on-Chip (SOCs) for running compute-intensive workloads at the edge of the network.

Keep the focus on IoT innovation without worrying about user privacy and network latency. The Qualcomm Vision Intelligence Platform is engineered with a focus on IoT devices across consumer and enterprise segments. This platform keeps workloads like computer vision, image processing, machine learning, and security on a designer’s chosen IoT device and offers premium camera technology with advanced AI at the edge in a wide range of devices. The Qualcomm platform can support object classification, segmentation, license plate recognition, face recognition, body detection, and people counting within use cases such as map projection, dual-facing AI dash cams, video conferencing systems, surveillance cameras, and COVID recovery applications.


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