A High Performance, Trusted, GPS Asset Tracking Solution that Gives You More

CloudHawk GPS Asset Tracking Solution

CloudHawk is an innovative and high performance GPS tracking solution that provides real-time, visibility into your business assets, allowing quick decision-making to increase productivity. CloudHawk can connect to all types of assets and provides real-time location and sensor data insights. CloudHawk UltraSense GPS technology enables you to get a signal where other monitoring solutions simply don’t, even when hidden and placed in hard to find locations, eliminating the need for line-of-sight for continued tracking.


CloudHawk dramatically decreases the risk of theft and loss through customized geofences and notification alerts sent to your mobile devices that let you know instantly if an asset is moved without authorization, helping to greatly reduce recovery time.


Key Benefits:

- Increase operational efficiency from real-time visibility of all assets

- Make fast business decisions and responses to real-time alerts and notifications

- Decrease operating costs by monitoring asset usage, reducing excess idle time or other cost causing activities

- Increase revenue from operational efficiency, increased ability to properly invoice customers

- Reduce theft costs and increased insurance premiums by detecting and responding immediately to theft and sensor alert indicators

- Reduce risk and costs of cargo spoilage and load rejection by responding to real-time notifications of temperature and other sensor alerts

- Optimize maintenance costs by leveraging precise tracking mileage, engine hours to prioritize when to schedule servicing – preventing over and under servicing of assets

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