Colorado Engineering Inc Product Highlights

Colorado Engineering is a Woman Owned Small Business located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was founded in 2003, with the strategic vision and goal of becoming a significant software and hardware design engineering company known for delivering on-time, high value, adaptable, quality solutions, products, and services with exceptional support to the government and prime contractor customer base.

Colorado Engineering is now an Extension and more importantly an Expansion of Catalina Research, Inc (CRI). A prior company founded by the CEI management team, CRI was a highly successful COTS, system, subsystem, hardware, and software Digital Signal Processing business founded in 1990 which grew over a ten year period through many successful DoD and government agency design wins; CRI was founded in 1990 and sold in 2000 to Paravant/DRS Technologies. CEI is evolving the original CRI core competencies, especially within the areas of software design engineering and development.


Colorado Engineering provides highly advanced engineering services in the areas of hi-tech software, hardware, system and subsystem design engineering. We offer engineering expertise for full scale programs as well as rapid prototype initiatives. Their services include but are not limited to design engineering, development, testing, integration, test design, and de-bugging solutions for our Government/Department of Defense and Commercial customers.

They offer these professional engineering services in support of a broad range of core competency areas which include designing and implementing software, boards, boxes, systems, and subsystems focusing on Radar, EW, SIGINT, Communications, C4ISR, Distributed and Cognitive Processing, Anti-tamper, Information Assurance, Fault Detection and Fault Isolation (FDFI), Data Acquisition, and many others. They are extremely proficient and offer extensive expertise, in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) to include Match Filtering, Poly-Phase Filtering, Beam Forming, Sectioned Convolution, Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing, FFT/DFT, Image Processing and A/D and D/A Data Conversion, just to name a few.

Hardware and Systems Engineering Services

Colorado Engineering hardware design teams have developed over 30 complex, high-speed/high-density boards and systems. A small sample of CEI past Hardware designs include mixed signal A/D conversion boards, FDFI and Data Acquisition boards, General Purpose and Digital Signal Processing boards with 24+ PCB layers and incorporating blind and buried VIA’s, system/subsystem architectures, and hundreds of FPGA designs. CEI designs hardware to support all levels of standard and custom I/O interfaces such as VME, PCI, cPCI, PCI-X, PCIe, PXI, PMC, RACE++, Rocket I/O, InfiniBand, Rapid I/O, 1 and 10,GigE, USB, IEEE-488, RS-232, etc. CEI takes pride in designing our products to meet the strictest of Cost, Size, Weight, and Power (C-SWaP), Ruggedization, and Thermal Management requirements.

Software Engineering Services

Colorado Engineering Software Engineers are extremely talented and have extensive experience in the development of software solutions at all levels from basic applications, drivers, and Graphic User Interfaces (GUI) to highly intricate Distributed Processing Grid Networks using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services, to Provisioning Management, Health Monitoring, Resource and Data Allocation, Thinking Systems. They implement technologies that include, but are not limited to: Java/J2EE, C/C++, Python, LabView, Perl, JBOSS, CVS, PL/SQL, MySQL, Linux, X11/MOTIF/GTK+, Low-level Assembly and various Real-time Operating Systems to produce quality solutions for our customers. CEI follows extensive software documentation and testing processes and procedures, and excels in software diagnostics and fault isolation.

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