Create a Complete Benchtop with Raspberry Pi 4 and Digilent Analog Discovery 2

Learn how to create a complete benchtop using the Digilent Analog Discovery 2 USB oscilloscope and Raspberry Pi 4.

Gone are the days of incompatibility between Raspberry Pi and the Digilent Analog Discovery 2 USB oscilloscope. The release of Raspberry Pi 4 has enabled access to create a complete benchtop using Analog Discovery 2, the WaveForms generator, and logic analyzer with the RPi 4 small single-board computer. To get started, the Analog Discovery 2’s WaveForms software is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux, with an additional version available for ARM. Simply set up the Raspbian Operating System with the Analog Discovery 2 and Raspberry Pi 4 and follow the four easy steps listed in this article from Digilent. 


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