Crydom Improves Their EL Series Solid State Relays

Crydom has updated their EL Series solid state relays to include improved features, including higher current ratings and improved internal construction and housing.

While solid state relays are ideal solutions for controlling dynamic loads for a variety of applications, the needs of the electronics industry are constantly evolving. To meet the design challenges of engineers who have to create smaller and smaller electronics applications, Crydom has updated their EL Series solid state relays with significant improvements. Let’s explore the advantages of these compact SSRs along with the new features they have.

New Improvements to the EL Series

Designers will appreciate the fact that both AC and DC output SSRs from the EL Series now leverage ratings of up to 30 Amps, which is the highest current rating available for such a compact footprint. The SSRs come in a compact 21mm x 35mm housing, making them ideal for applications where you need to maximize limited space. For that reason, small commercial and medical machines are excellent target applications for these relays.

Crydom has also re-designed the internal construction and housing of their EL Series to increase reliability and improve thermal performance, enabling applications to perform more efficiently. The quick connect terminals greatly simplify design, particularly for small-form technologies. In addition, the 90⁰ bent terminal design option allows you to make the most of limited space, and AC models can include optional built-in overvoltage protection for even greater stability.

Additional Advantages

EL Series SSRs offer a robust operation with load current ratings of 30 Amps at 24-280 VAC and 10 Amps at 3-100 VDC, allowing you to create applications with greater capacities. They also utilize a back-to-back SCR output with low off state leakage current to reduce noise.

Thanks to flexible VDC control voltage options, you can more easily design applications that are incredibly reliable and also deliver good response times. All models come with a pre-installed thermal pad, and AC models feature an LED input status indicator and zero voltage or instantaneous turn-on outputs as additional advantages.

Crydom EL Series SSRs are optimized for your demanding applications, including household appliances, medical devices and professional food equipment. Find the optimal solution for your needs at

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