Dawar Technologies Product Highlights

Dawar Technologies has provided its customers with products creating a first and lasting positive impression for over 125 years. Their credo is “do it right the first time, every time, in whatever quantity our customer needs right now.” At Dawar, they are committed to delivering quality products on time, and they guarantee it with proven processes and expert workmanship.

Their manufacturing, engineering and graphic design capabilities allow them to produce a large variety of products in both high and low volumes as well as offer prototyping services. They are certified to ISO 9001 standards and dedicated to continuous and total customer satisfaction.

Projected Capacitive Touch Screens

Their PCT sensors are designed, manufactured, and supported in the USA at Dawar’s Pittsburgh, PA factory.  Constructed as an all glass solution, our touch screens provide extreme durability and superior optics.  They offer a standard product line from 4.3” - 24”W as well as custom solutions to meet your application requirements.

Resistive Touch Screens

Dawar offers a full line of 4-, 5- and 8-Wire Resistive Touch Screens. DawarTouch Resistive Touch Screens are a cost-effective, durable and versatile solution for many applications, from medical devices to personal consumer devices to industrial uses.

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