Delivering the Benefits of Industrial IoT to Customers Faster

This white paper from Arrow covers how the Internet of Things (IoT) represents a tremendous opportunity to OEMs developing equipment for industrial environments. For example, the IoT enables OEMs to automate data capture of equipment operation at customer sites. OEMs can then aggregate data from all deployed equipment in the cloud and apply analytics to identify trends. This gives manufacturers the ability to remotely monitor equipment, predict operating failures and preempt issues through preventative maintenance to increase customer uptime.

While the benefits of IoT are clear, the path to implementing IoT technology effectively has not been so obvious. Industrial OEMs have focused their engineering efforts toward understanding their core market and delivering value. Typically, developing a reliable and secure IoT platform with end-to-end connectivity between devices and the cloud is beyond their expertise. While OEMs could invest in building IoT expertise in-house, such a delay to market would place them behind more agile competitors.

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