Driven to protect today’s and tomorrow’s EVs

Safe and reliable powertrain systems in your next generation xEV thanks to Littelfuse solutions.

The ever growing demand for electric vehicles calls for Automotive Grade overcurrent solutions up to the task of handling up to 1000 Vdc. The Littelfuse portfolio is designed and tested to meet the overcurrent circuit protection needs of the eMoblilty market, specifically Electric Vehicle (EV) applications.

The Littelfuse EV1K series is an electric vehicle (EV) fuse designed to protect high-voltage, high-current on-board applications in electric and hybrid vehicles as well as off-board charging. It was specifically built from the ground up to meet the stringent requirements and standards of the electric vehicle industry.

Furthermore, the 828 series fuses are specifically designed and tested to meet the circuit protection needs of compact automotive electronics applications. These robust fuses include a 1000 Vdc rating and provide an excellent interrupting rating. Littelfuse internal AECQ200 compliant, the 828 fuses are ideal for the On-Board Chargers (OBCs) and Power Distribution Units (PDUs) in the latest electric vehicle designs. With available through-hole and bolt-down versions, it’s flexible for either PC board or screw assembly.







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