Experience innovation with SCHURTER fuses UHS and UHP


With the increased availability of low-cost, high-performance lithium-ion battery cells, there is a growing need to manage higher currents via SMD-assembled low-cost PCBs.

The dedicated SCHURTER UHP fuse with rated currents of 50 to 100A ideally meets the requirements for high breaking capacity and fast tripping in the event of over-currents by galvanically separating these immense energies stored in Li-Ion batteries in a controlled manner.




The SMT fuse SCHURTER UHS with rated currents of 50 to 100A, which was specifically developed for the SELV range, ideally meets the requirements for a high and fast breaking capacity in case of massive overcurrent. The immense energies stored in lithium-ion battery cells can be galvanically isolated in a controlled manner.



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