Featured Abracon Products

Real Time Clock IC's feature ultra low power, sub 55nA and RTC IC's for power sensitive consumer and industrial electronics solutions.

RTC Oscillators & TCXO's

32.768kHz Clock Oscillators with complete RTC functionality, accuracy to ±5ppm over -40ºC to +85ºC


10MHz to 100MHz Low Noise OCXO's, accuracy from ±0.10 ppb to ±100ppb

High Frequency XO & VCXO

10MHz to 1.50GHz factory configurable Crystal Oscillators, sub 1ps rms jitter in 5x7mm foot-print

Patch & Chip Antennas

Passive & Active Antennas for GPS, WLAN and Bluetooth applications

Quartz Crystals

Offered in a variety of industry standard packages, as miniature as 1.2x1.0x0.3mm, frequency range from 32.768kHz to above 125MHz

Bluetooth Modules

Bluetooth v2.1+EDR, Class 2 specifications; supporting SPP, HID and iAP Bluetooth profiles

Frequency Translators

10MHz to 20MHz or 40MHz Frequency Translation with close to the carrier jitter attenuation

Stratum-III TCXO's

5x7mm solutions from 10MHz to 40MHz with accuracy from ±0.10 ppm to ±0.50 over -40ºC to +85ºC and -55ºC to +95ºC

MEMS Oscillators

1MHz to over 460MHz solutions available in a variety of industry standard packages, as small as 1.8x1.25x0.68 mm

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