Features and benefits of Bluetooth connectivity

Read this eBook to learn about the variety of Bluetooth technologies – including Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth mesh networking, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) – and where and why they should be used within smart home products.

Thanks to all the home-automation-related smart gadgets that we use in our daily lives and incorporate within our homes and workplaces, our world is indeed becoming “smarter.” But with all these convenient, fancy and “must-have” smart gadgets, we are seeing a number of competing wireless network technologies. As a result, the ultimate success of a functional and easy-to-use multiprotocol wireless, smart-home ecosystem hinges on one key parameter: interoperability.

Bluetooth is already at the heart of many digital products including audio, video, input accessories and file sharing. Bluetooth home automation is often chosen because of how little power it uses. For those who are concerned about energy consumption and carbon footprint, low-power protocols like Bluetooth are a great fit. Bluetooth is already included in so many devices that it’s one of the fastest-growing sectors of home automation.

Read this eBook from Silicon Labs, to learn about the variety of Bluetooth technologies – including Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth mesh on one key parameter: interoperability.


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