Cypress FS-S NOR Flash Memory Family

The Industry’s Fastest Quad SPI NOR Flash Memory Family for High-Performance Embedded Systems

When adding memory to IoT and battery-powered applications, it is important to integrate high-performing and reliable solutions. Cypress’s 1.8-V SPI NOR Flash Memory portfolio consists of first-rate devices for the domains of automotive instrument clusters, wearables, industrial controls, home automation, and digital single-lens reflex cameras. It isn’t surprising that many of these systems require extremely high read bandwidth for program execution, as low read bandwidth can majorly decrease system performance. While traditional 128Mb NOR Flash memory products typically have read bandwidths of just 52 MBps, these memory products from Cypress feature an 80-MHz DDR mode with 80-MBps read bandwidth, ensuring smoother performance. Furthermore, when your more powerful system requires low-pin-count NOR Flash Memory, a Cypress 1.8-V NOR Flash device is an excellent option to integrate, as products in this line utilize a Quad SPI interface and are available in industry standard 8-pin SOIC, 16-pin SOIC, 24-ball BGA, and 8-contact WSON packages to simplify board layout.

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