Hack with the DragonBoard™ 410c at the AT&T Dev Summit 2016

Starting January 2nd, electronics will take over Vegas.
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Before the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) kicks-off next week with all the glitz and glam of what has become the biggest electronics showcase in the world, some intense hacking and building will take place this weekend as part of the AT&T Developer Summit.

The AT&T Developer Summit, a four-day developer-focused event, will take place at the Palms in sunny Las Vegas and begins with a two-day hackathon that will pit some of the best hackers, coders and makers against each other in various competitions designed to push the limits of hardware and the IoT.

1215 dragonboard in article
Think you've got what it takes to take home the grand prize?

One of these competitions is the Qualcomm Technology Challenge, where competitors are invited to try their hand at building a smart city solution using the Arrow DragonBoard™ 410c. The competition is described thusly, “Develop a solution utilizing the DragonBoard™ 410c that both a Mayor's Office and citizens can use on a day-to-day basis to improve the livability, sustainability and connectedness in a city. Entries should make use of the connectivity available with the DragonBoard 410c as well as components provided in the IoT hardware kit.”

The IoT hardware kit includes the DragonBoard™ 410c, which is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon Processor, as well as a webcam, a touchscreen, a 10DoF board equipped with an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a magnetometer, a pressure sensor, and a temperature sensor, plus a handful of other electronics goodies to help competitors build a robust IoT solution.

The competition will undoubtedly be a lot of fun, but also up for grabs is a cool $10,000 — which means you could have quite a bit of fun over the next two days of the conference (or if you’re staying for CES, the rest of the week) on the Vegas Strip. Or you could do the sensible thing with your winnings and stash that ten grand in the bank — probably the smarter choice.

Either way, this hackathon is going to be an incredible event and if you’re up for a last-minute trip to Vegas (and why not?), registration is still available. If you miss the hackathon at the Dev Summit, CES will kick off in full-swing on Wednesday the 6th — where you can stop by the Qualcomm booth to get a first-hand look at the DragonBoard™ 410c.


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