Hello FPGA Kit

The Hello FPGA Kit from Microchip is geared toward newer users, and supports a range of intuitive demos including image processing, digital signal processing, artificial intelligence, and power consumption monitoring.

Field-programmable gate arrays, or FPGAs, are used to build reconfigurable digital circuits for testing and development of new integrated circuits. The Hello FPGA Kit is geared toward users who might be new to the world of FPGAs, and who might need something simple at first with the ability to scale up in the future. With robust demoing abilities out of the box, coupled with a set of 2 20-pin expansion headers, this development kit allows developers to start small, then grow along with the platform as their skills improve. Other features on the Hello FPGA include:

  • •  User push-buttons and LEDs for input and feedback
  • •  Arduino and Mikrobus compatible interfaces
  • •  USB 2.0 connectivity
  • •  PICkit header

Initially, the kit will include the FPGA Mainboard, a camera sensor board, an LCD board, a USB 2.0 to Mini-B cable, and a quickstart card.



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