High-current PROFET™: Benchmark Low-ohmic Smart Switches for Automotive Heating and Power Distribution

Why is everyone so high on High-current PROFET™ smart switches? High density with an extremely small footprint, these low-ohmic offerings are perfect for automotive heating applications. That includes heating load applications such as seat and steering wheel heaters, PTC heaters, glow plugs, rear defoggers and windshield deicers. This family is also suitable for capacitive and inductive loads like starter relays, DC motors, plus the pumps, horns and fans found in relay boxes and body control modules.Here’s a product brief from Infineon about its high-side switch family that operates in the 2 mΩ to 8 mΩ range. These smart switches offer high reliability, low cost, improved efficiency and a decidedly tiny footprint. Which makes them ideal for everything from seat heating to windshield deicers to relay and fuse replacements.These high-current PROFETTM switches are designed with high inrush currents in mind, offering current sense accuracy that’s truly best-in-class and supports PWM up to 100Hz. They also provide the reliability you need for “start-stop” systems thanks to a switching cycle capability of over 1 million cycles. Finally, superior diagnosis and safety features are integrated right in, including overtemperature and short circuit protection.

Here’s a product brief from Infineon about its high-side switch family that operates in the 2 mΩ to 8 mΩ range. These smart switches offer high reliability, low cost, improved efficiency and a decidedly tiny footprint. Which makes them ideal for everything from seat heating to windshield deicers to relay and fuse replacements.

These high-current PROFETTM switches are designed with high inrush currents in mind, offering current sense accuracy that’s truly best-in-class and supports PWM up to 100Hz. They also provide the reliability you need for “start-stop” systems thanks to a switching cycle capability of over 1 million cycles. Finally, superior diagnosis and safety features are integrated right in, including overtemperature and short circuit protection.

 Read More about  High-current PROFET

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