How Oplink Produces World-Class Optical Components

Learn more about how Oplink, a Molex company, offers integrated design and manufacturing solutions to network equipment makers worldwide.

As a leader in providing optical communication components as well as intelligent modules and subsystems, Oplink — a Molex company — offers integrated design and manufacturing solutions to leading and emerging network equipment makers worldwide. Serving multiple markets including long-haul transport to data center networking and cable TV, Oplink has produced some of the highest performing optical components in today’s market, including a wide variety of custom and SFP+ products for applications including Wireless, Datacenter, Datacom, Telecom and more. 

Oplink’s SFP+ products support distances from 220m to 80km over multimode fiber for short distance and single-mode fiber for long distance. In addition, Oplink also offers transceiver technology with Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) and Corse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) for higher bandwidth fiber capacity. 

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