How sensor technology has revolutionized remote healthcare

Historically, the medical industry has relied on manual analog testing methods for diagnostic evaluation of patients. However, given the incredible digital health innovations in electronics and sensor technology, new and more accurate methodologies have become increasingly utilized. Sensor technology—one of several components of new remote patient monitoring devices—has seen substantial growth in the medical sector.

While communication and compute technologies are just as important for the function of these electronic diagnostic tools, medical sensor technology has been developed specifically for compact and remote healthcare solutions. This article examines the most common sensor technologies in electronic diagnostic and remote healthcare systems to better understand the valuable role that these sensor technologies play in modern human health.

Blood Pressure Monitors

We’ve all had our blood pressure manually taken with a hand-pumped blood-pressure cuff and a stethoscope. The amount of human skill required is high and the room for human error is vast. Modern blood pressure machines use purpose-built blood pressure monitor sensors that can precisely measure a patient’s blood pressure to a resolution far better than even the most trained medical professional.

These high-accuracy pressure sensors are designed and manufactured specifically to be sensitive to pressures within the limits of blood, which ranges from 0-200mmHg, depending on the systolic and diastolic pressure of the patient. Today, patients can measure and record their blood pressure readings throughout the day and virtually share this data with their medical providers to provide further insights into the patient’s biological data.

Blood Glucose Levels

Blood sugar levels are critically important to overall bodily health. People with diabetes have a difficult time self-regulating their blood sugar levels and must monitor their blood glucose levels throughout the day. In the mid-20th century, blood sugar levels could only be tested using blood-sugar sensitive chemicals and a small lab kit, making self-monitoring of blood-glucose levels a challenge. Today, modern blood glucose measurement systems can be kept in a pocket and are extremely mobile. With a small prick of the finger, patients can monitor their blood glucose levels anywhere in a matter of minutes.

Perhaps even more impressive are wearable blood glucose monitors that can read blood glucose levels at any time without the prick of a finger. Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) consist of ultra-small electronics and a small needle that can be semi-permanently adhered to the patent. This sensor system continuously senses blood glucose levels and then transmits that data to a nearby monitoring device so that the patient can continuously see their blood glucose levels on demand.

These devices are often equipped with alarms that help the patient understand when their blood glucose is nearing dangerous levels, even if they are not actively monitoring it. Some CGM systems even feature micro-pump systems that can automatically administer basal insulin, acting as an artificial pancreas to automatically regulate blood glucose level throughout the day.

Blood pressure monitoring sensors are highly precise and specifically designed current sensors that can be used to measure the glucose oxidase levels of blood that has been exposed to application-specific reaction enzymes. These sensor technologies are often proprietary combinations of chemical and electrical systems that work together to create real-time blood glucose data. 


Blood Oxygen Levels

One of the most critical elements for human survival is oxygen. Specifically, oxygen facilitates oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondrial membrane during electron transport chain of cellular respiration. Without oxygen, cells throughout the body are unable to function. As such, blood oxygen levels are essential to human health. Some patients, such as those with respiratory or hematological illnesses, can be prone to low blood oxygen levels that can be immediately threatening to the patient’s life.

Blood oxygen levels can be remotely monitored using purpose-built blood oxygen level monitors, often referred to as pulse-ox monitors, which can simultaneously monitor the patient’s pulse and oxygen levels. These monitors are placed on the finger of the patient. A specific frequency light is shined through the patient’s fingertip and a series of photodiodes (light sensors) detects this light on the other side of the patient’s finger.

The analysis of the displayed frequencies of light can determine the percentage of oxygen in the patient’s hemoglobin, as the detected light will vary in correlation with the blood’s oxygen absorption levels.

ECG/EKG Monitoring

Electrocardiograms (ECGs), or EKGs based off the German word “elektrokardiogramm,” are the measure of a heart’s cardiac rhythm patterns plotted over time. Patients that have heart or neurological conditions can utilize remote ECG monitoring to detect abnormalities in cardiac behavior and provide insights about the functioning of a patient’s heart.

ECGs utilize specialized electrodes that are attached to the patient and directly monitor the electrical signals generated during the heart’s movement. These specialized electrodes utilize Analog Front End (AFE) sensors to detect trace electrical signals generated by the heart. Direct measurement of these signals can accurately track heart performance and behavior. Additionally, some modern wearable smartwatches can also indirectly track cardio-rhythmic patterns by monitoring the body’s pulse and tracking pulse irregularities over time.

Remote Patient Monitoring Innovation in Digital Health

Digital health technologies are revolutionizing the accuracy and consistency of patient care around the world. Insider Intelligence estimates that over 25% of healthcare patients in the United States will use Remote Patient Monitoring devices by 2025, which will only increase over the next several decades. Specialized sensors, such as the pressure, current, light, and electronic sensors discussed in this article, work with the body’s chemical and biological systems to provide never-before-accessible insights into a patient’s health. These insights can help prevent the onset of critical health episodes, decrease time-to-diagnosis, and lead to an overall increase in a patient’s quality of life.

Digital health, via the fusion of the medical and technology sectors, will continue to aid in the progress of human health care for many generations to come.


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