Ultraleap Uncovered: How Ultrasonic Transducers Are Shaping the Future of Hygiene

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Ultraleap is a pioneer in haptic feedback and human-machine interaction, combining the strategic benefits of Ultrahaptics and Leap Motion. Ultraleap has teamed up with fellow innovators such as Coca-Cola, Disney, LEGO, and Arrow to bridge the gap between human senses and augmented experiences. Ultraleap's technology provides a unique alternative solution to tactile touchscreens and buttons in high-traffic public places—a solution that's more valuable than ever in the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic.

Before Ultraleap – Haptic Technology

Before Ultraleap's inception, Ultrahaptics was a company dedicated to exploring haptic simulation with a touchless interface―they wanted to simulate the sensation of touch without any actual contact. Their core technology centered around custom FPGA-based controls on a massive ultrasonic transducer grid combined with a software suite. That software used a constructive interference between constructive waves to control a focal point.

Meanwhile, Leap Motion was a company seeking to replace traditional computer interfaces (like the mouse) to allow users to interact with hand gestures. With Leap Motion technology, simple, identifiable hand gestures are used to control computers and machines.

"Both companies have an intense passion for deepening the bond between people and technology, and together we can reach the true potential of both."

- David Holz, Co-Founder and CTO of Leap Motion

Ultrahaptics and Leap Motion collaborated to fulfill the opposite sides of the human-machine-interaction equation for each other—giving Ultrahaptics a controller and giving Leap Motion a feedback mechanism. The companies merged to create Ultraleap and began to integrate their powerful technology. Soon, Ultraleap could control a machine while simultaneously giving tactile feedback to a user seamlessly, all without a single human touch. Check out Ultraleap's product overview to see this incredible technology in action.

Future Vision of Haptic Technology: Touchless User Interface

Two words: touchless interface.

Ultraleap is a unique solution that addresses the sanitization and hygienic issues associated with buttons in public places. Ultraleap's fundamental technologies started as a niche-controlled feedback system, but they have recently proved valuable as a variety of industries try to do business with minimal human contact. In fact, Ultraleap's technology may be the next de facto HMI across many devices and industries, including:

·      Elevator buttons

·      Mall wayfinding kiosks

·      Airport check-ins

·      Interactive museum displays

·      ATMs

·      Grocery self-checkout

·      Retail showcases

When the keyboard and mouse were first introduced, many doubted their usefulness. When automatic water faucets and paper towel dispensers started making their way into public restrooms, the public was slow to adopt them. Now, many users wonder how to use a computer without these tools and bristle at the idea of touching a handle on a public faucet.

Ultraleap at CES

Ultraleap has already created magnificent showcases of their technology, such as integrations with new-era Disney VR experience Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire and sNinjago: The Ride. The company was featured in Arrow's immersive gamified brand-activation stations at CES2019 where thousands of users could interact and control in-booth games, all without a single touch.

In an era where avoiding the spread of germs is paramount, Ultraleap offers a paradigm-shifting solution capable of making the world a safer and healthier place. In addition to devising an incredibly forward-thinking health solution, their technology provides an immersive, extensive experience unlike any other.

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