Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge

Arrow is launching the Natural Disaster Innovation Contest alongside the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge to spark technology innovation for solutions that improve individual health and community well-being through better natural disaster preparedness, accelerated response and/or a greater capacity to recover.

We also encourage participants to apply for the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge.

The Challenge 

Examples of solution ideas include, but are not limited to:

• Identifying and aiding people with reduced or restricted mobility who require special assistance (disabled, hospitalized, elderly, confined).

• Using machine vision to assess the impact of a disaster and accelerate response, reducing time to build back better.

• Ensuring that stocks of insulin, antibiotics and other critical medicines requiring refrigeration remain cold despite loss of power.

• Employing sensors and analytics to predict the impact of disasters and educate communities on how to prepare for impending threats. 

The contest deliverable is either (A) 2-3-page written solution proposal or (B) a short presentation in English in PDF format outlining your idea. 

1st Prize $5,000 USD

Judging Criteria:

Reports and presentations will be judged based on the following criteria:

• Explanation of the solution, who and how it helps in a natural disaster and why the solution is being proposed.

• Technologies/future use of technologies and including the technical feasibility.

• Thoughtfulness and creativity of the solution.  


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