iMOTION™ is a family of highly integrated products for the control of a variable speed drive.

By integrating both the required hardware and software to perform sensor less control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) they provide the highest energy efficient appliance motor system with the lowest system cost.

What is iMOTION?

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iMOTION™ ICs integrate all the control and analog interface functions required for sensor less field oriented control (FOC) of PM motors using DC link or leg shunt current measurements. In addition they feature Infineon’s patented and field proven motor control engine (MCE) that eliminates software coding from the motor control algorithm development process. Implementing a variable speed drive is reduced to configuring the MCE for the respective motor. Assisted by powerful tools like MCEwizard and MCEDesigner it is possible to have the motor up and running in less than an hour.

iMOTION Modular Application Design Kit

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Aimed at offering customers the best fitting solution the iMOTION™ family offers several levels of hardware integration. In addition to the stand-alone MCE control IC Infineon is offering variants with an additional microcontroller. The co-integrated 60 MIPS, 8-bit, 8051 microcontroller enables running application layer software almost independently of the MCE.

Easy Design Process

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The highest integration level is achieved in the SmartIPM family members. The combination of the MCE, the additional MCU together with the gate driver and a three phase full bridge results in a complete inverter system in one small PQFN package.

From motor controller to Smart IPM

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