Industrial Grade SD and microSD Cards from SanDisk

SanDisk identifies some of the key considerations when designing with today’s high performance SD cards and e.MMC devices.

Industrial applications often require memory storage that can accommodate high-intensity recording across a wide range of operational parameters. Industrial Grade SD and microSD cards from SanDisk feature advanced memory management firmware that includes power immunity, auto read refresh, wear leveling, and ECC to capture and log data and ensure error free quality.  

Industrial grade requires industrial strength. These SD card solutions have up to 192 terabytes written endurance and a durable design that is waterproof, shock proof, vibration proof, magnet and X-ray proof, but their added value is in how they go beyond simple data storage with the ability to enable systems to analyze data and act in real-time. They’re tailor made for next generation automotive applications, factory automation, medical, and other demanding industrial fields.

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