Infineon’s 650 V CoolMOS™ CFD7 SJ Power Device

Resulting from improved switching performance and excellent thermal behavior, 650 V CoolMOS™ CFD7 offers the highest efficiency in resonant switching topologies, such as LLC and phase-shift-full-bridge (ZVS).

Infineon’s new 650 V CoolMOS™ CFD7 extends the voltage class offering of the CFD7 family and is a successor to the 650 V CoolMOS™ CFD2. As part of Infineon’s fast body diode portfolio, this new product series blends all the advantages of a fast switching technology together with superior hard commutation robustness. 

Read this datasheet to learn how the CoolMOS™ CFD7 technology meets the highest efficiency and reliability standards and supports high power density solutions.



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