Infineon Semiconductor Solutions for Hybrid Electric and Electric Cars

As the global demand for hybrid and electric cars increases, so too does the demand for sustainable power consumption. Infineon semiconductors play a key role in building more intelligence into the energy cycle. These semiconductor solutions enable drivers to recharge, pay and feed power back into the electrical grid. As the global leader in advanced power and automotive electronics, Infineon is the leading supplier of high-power IGBT modules for drive and traction applications.

With the broadest (H)EV range of power modules and chips dedicated to optimizing overall system cost, minimizing power losses, increasing power density, maximizing power savings, extending mileage and improving battery efficiency, Infineon is continuing to be the leader for innovative semiconductor solutions for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and Electric Vehicles (EVs). Infineon’s semiconductors include solutions for the main inverter, DC-DC converters, battery management systems, auxiliary loads, and on-board chargers. In addition to these solutions, Infineon has also developed expertise in silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GAN) as they emerge as the material of choice for overcoming the performance plateau of silicon.

Get the full product portfolio overview for (H)EV applications and read more about how Infineon is stepping up to the energy challenge with semiconductor solutions for electromobility. 

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