Infineon's XDPL8210 Digital Flyback Controller IC – XDP™ Digital Power

This paper describes Infineon’s XDPL8210 Digital Flyback Controller IC, a high performance configurable single-stage flyback controller with high power factor, primary side regulated constant current output, and LP mode.

The primary side control saves external components especially an opto-coupler, thus reducing cost and effort and increasing reliability. With its integrated functionality, Infineon’s XDPL8210 enables an increased set of features without external parts.

The digital core of the XDPL8210 and its advanced control algorithms provide multiple operation modes such as QRM1, DCM, or Active Burst Mode (ABM). In addition, XDPL8210 includes an enhanced PFC function which can partially compensate the effect of the input capacitance on power factor and harmonic distortion. With this functionality and smooth transition between the operation modes, the controller delivers high efficiency, high power factor, and low harmonic distortion over a wide load range. The active burst mode control scheme significantly extends the dimming range and is synchronized with the line frequency avoiding effects like flicker while reducing audible noise.



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