Innovative Bourns® IsoMOV™ protectors

Bourns® IsoMOV™ protectors offer designers the right level of surge protection without any performance, size, cost or redesign compromises.

As the most significant advancement in MOV design in decades, Bourns® IsoMOV™ hybrid protection components fully combine the classic GDT and MOV in a totally new design. This single-package solution provides a symbiotic relationship where the GDT blocks leakage currents through the MOV that would otherwise lead to premature failure of the MOV device. It also allows the MOV to prevent follow-on current after a surge that might damage the GDT.

Bourns® IsoMOV™ protectors offer:

  •  High reliability and long life – including in certain harsh environments
  •  Extended temperature range
  •  Low leakage
  •  Superior energy handling density
  •  Graceful end-of-life failure mode

Boosting its design flexibility for engineers, IsoMOV™ protector surge ratings are comparable to the next larger size conventional MOV device. This gives designers the flexibility to select an IsoMOV™ protector that is smaller than the MOV option or upgrading to an IsoMOV™ protector of the same size to enhance the surge capability of their protection scheme.

Design Resources

Explore Bourns’ technical library for helpful design resources that illustrate the many ways IsoMOV™ protectors can be used to enhance surge protection to meet various design requirements.

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