Inside the Intel® Retail Sensor Solution

Intel’s Retail Sensor Platform provides system integrators and retailers an out-of-the box, advanced, in-store analytics platform.

The Intel Responsive Retail Sensor is an end-to-end retail analytics-based solution designed to help ecosystem solution providers and retailers create and deploy innovative retail systems. Solution components include:

  1. Intel Responsive Retail Sensor: Low-cost, low-power integrated sensor with RFID capability and an expandable sensor suite that allows for the inclusion of additional sensors in a seamless and future-proof way
  2. Intel Responsive Retail Platform: Gathers and filters sensor data, providing intelligent, trusted connectivity at the edge
  3. Cloud Platform: Open source analytics platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for cloud applications
  4. Track items through RFID tags, preserving customer privacy

Addressing Retail Challenges:

  1. Path Mapping
  2. Item Consideration
  3. Item Movement
  4. Misplaced item
  5. Item Replenishment
  6. Item Identification
  7. Item Location
  8. Pick-Path Optimization
  9. Inventory Reconcil

Intel-Based Retail Sensor

0917 Intel Responsive Retail Sensor

Intel-Based Gateway

 0917 Intel Responsive Retail Gateway


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