Intel Boards with Pmod Connectors

Intel MAX 10 and Cyclone-based boards from ecosystem partners offer Pmod connectors to enable quick interoperability with various analog front-end and sensor platforms.

List of Intel MAX 10 Pmod Connectors

Board Name Brief Description Category Partner
MAX1000 - IoT Maker Board FPGA IoT Maker Board based on Intel MAX 10 FPGA with 8000 Les SOM, Development kit Trenz Electronic
AnalogMAX-ADI Dust Sensor Smoke detector module with three sensors and Intel MAX 10 FPGA with 8K Les SOM, Development kit Trenz Electronic

List of Intel Cyclone 10 Pmod Connectors

Board Name Brief Description Category Partner
IoTCentipede™ (Coming Soon) Industry 4.0 gateway board with serial connectivity for aggregation and protocol Bridging Development kit, pre-production board NovTech
CYC1000 with Intel Cyclone 10 FPGA Intel Cyclone 10 LP module with 25K Les SOM, Development kit Trenz Electronic
Intel Cyclone10 LP Reference Kit (Coming Soon) Reference kit based on CYC1000 Intel Cyclone 10 LP module SOM, Development kit Trenz Electronic

1. Featured list of Analog Devices’ Pmod connector boards

Learn more about Analog Devices Solutions for FPGA-Based Designs.

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