Intel® Powered Solutions Ready for the New Edge in Healthcare

New infrastructure models need to match the emerging needs of the healthcare industry. The growth in healthcare IoT and the vast amount of new data generated needs new infrastructure with capabilities that can accommodate advanced approaches in medicine, patient care, disease diagnostics and regulatory compliance. Further, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) serving healthcare customers are challenged by the myriad of possibilities for integrated configurations and compliance requirements associated with certifying a configuration for medical applications.

The healthcare new edge platform breaks this rigidity using software-defined and near real-time computing features. By offering known good configurations, OEMs can focus on healthcare applications instead of identifying a compliant hardware configuration. These new features make healthcare infrastructure agile, responsive and highly integrated while reliably supporting multiple edge devices, applications and services at scale.

Benefits of the Healthcare New Edge Platform

Offers limitless configurability to support and adapt to changing operational and care delivery needs while also lowering costs and improving ROI
Facilitates workload consolidation, reuse and re-purposing of infrastructure thus increasing IT infrastructure life
Creates a secure chain of trust from physical hardware to application deployment ensuring secure care delivery at the edge
Affords a single robust infrastructure to cover a wide array of clinical and operational needs from asset management to patient monitoring
Virtualized infrastructure management facilitates non-disruptive maintenance and upgrade (99.9999% infrastructure uptime)

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